An anchor to Earth, an ocean of tears.
The holding of space, the loving of men.
The healing of rifts, the care of our young.
This is the feminine.
This archetype—so nurturing and giving, so soft, so knowing, and so welcoming, is the birthplace of all.
Our maternal line once celebrated their role as homemakers, child bearers, and wisdom-keepers. Yet here we are, a collective of women, failing to connect with and understand the true power that lies in embodying this archetype.
Instead, we embody and glorify the masculine—whilst simultaneously decrying its oppression of us.
We are erasing women from language and life. It’s politically incorrect to speak of the traditional gender roles that have served us immeasurably. Instead, it’s edgy to pretend gender is malleable, to question our biological sex in favour of choosing from a rainbow of letters.
It’s now also celebrated to hate men.
The rise of the modern feminist is disturbing in so many ways, not least of which is that it promotes a gender war, tries to equate genders in all aspects, and celebrates the destruction of the family unit whilst crying foul for rights and missed opportunities.
It promotes the under-mothering of children—with reliance on the State and the television—building upon our already disturbing understanding of the high societal cost of under-fathering. It ignores inconvenient truths that acknowledge that men are also oppressed in many ways, sometimes directly because of neofeminist campaigns. But most disturbingly, it strives for the masculinisation of women.
Review these sentiments, said to be “Good Feminist Slogans and Taglines”:
Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.
I think, therefore I’m single.
Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.
Women’s chains have been forged by men, not by anatomy.
A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.
These are all nonsense, but this one nailed it:
Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry.
What might the effect be on raising girls with this programming?
You’ve likely heard all the feminist buzzwords: patriarchy, rape culture, micro-aggression, intersectionality, misogyny, mansplaining, man-boys, and social justice.
You may have been unfortunate to receive a feminist’s wrath, where everything you say is offensive, and reasoning is not up for discussion. No deviation from the narrative will be entertained, nor will criticism, other perspectives, or those who disagree.
Sadly, the neofeminist does not realise her membership is to a cult. Her dogmatic beliefs are part of a system of control that holds back the progression of consciousness and “equality”. Her devotion to these beliefs is especially dangerous to those who aren’t members of the feminist movement, hindering their lives, freedoms, and rights.
She’ll mention the oppressive nature of the Patriarchy whilst concurrently lobbying the State (aka Patriarchy) for her rights. Should not every feminist be an anarchist by default?
Men are bad, women are good—the us versus them mentality ensures no reason can be spoken, nor can change be made. Sameness in speech, behaviour, and character ensures no individual thoughts can enter the movement. All the while, the feminist fails to see that feminism isn’t feminine.
Her readiness to don the warrior’s armour, pick up a sword, and rush into battle to slay men, is the antithesis of the feminine archetype. These are male archetypal roles and symbols, which are used in war.
When women engage in discussing controversial and divisive topics where someone is consistently declaring how “offended” they are, they create a war-like atmosphere in conflict with the essence of the feminine.
When we tell them this, they’ll declare they have no duty to be feminine. The modern feminist does not subscribe to archetypes, roles, or cultural designations because she’s been socially engineered to question every aspect of her own identity and rebel against the norm—without knowing why she’s rebelling.
It’s a sinister way of shifting societal norms towards a place where everything that was once “normal” is now redefined—where historical narratives are blurred and can be invented. Or, as The Protocols of the Learner Elders of Zion instruct:
“We shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us…”
The subversion of cultural institutions has meant “almost the entire theoretical basis of all the politically correct aesthetic trends…now plague our universities.” All “experts” have been fed the same propaganda, and spew it forth to students, who then spread it to the world as fact. Henry Makow says, “As far as the humanities are concerned, universities are enemy territory and professors usually are obstacles to genuine learning.”
Thus, we are left with university-educated, mind-controlled women with certificates that deem them experts in “women’s studies”, “gender studies”, or the like. They cannot see that celebrating the “bad-ass” aggression of their sister, a term once used to describe the “epitome of the American male”; or when shaming a man for his refusal to squash his male anatomy whilst sitting on a train could be harmful to women and society in general.
From War To Wisdom
A neofeminist focuses on a life centred on self, rather than others, and the promotion of a male value system/archetype. Modern feminism stands against a value system that supports the feminine and the female, and thus community itself—since no real community can be born in a war zone. The underlying message is that to be equal to a man, a woman must become like a man.
In doing so, feminists deny themselves the most bountiful source of transformation available to them and the world. They also rob men of the opportunity to connect with the true feminine. Furthermore, they project the blame upon everyone else. Within the world of feminism, women will blame everyone—before taking responsibility for themselves.
The feminine is not simply about fulfilling traditional gender roles, it’s about embodying our true nature. This means exemplifying intuitive flow over reason, being over doing, feeling over thinking. It’s also about polarity.
Yes, we must embody parts of the masculine, but we must not be tricked into thinking our power comes from being masculine. The opposite is true. Sadly, feminists fail to recognise there is nothing more powerful than the true feminine.
The feminine IS power.
She is strength, humility, care, and creation. She has an innate capability to influence men, women and children for better or worse. And the longer it takes for women to realise this, our world will remain all the greyer.
An embodied woman doesn’t play the control game, nor invest in victimhood as a political tool. She understands she is one half of the human equation and honours the male polarity that is her complement. She leads by example and knows just by being that she is enough. From out of her womb comes life itself.
The feminine might ask the feminist: where is the sense in rebelling and warring against 50% of what emerges from our loins?
Why have we disowned ourselves?
Original Article Posted here:
NOTE: I wrote this article in 2017. At the time, all the links were intact. But when I updated it, I realised many links had since been removed from the internet. This is a prime example of the erasure of women and the censorship of any counterculture conversation around feminism. I’ve left these links intact so you can follow them and witness this reality yourself.